Monday 6 August 2007

What Shall I Drink? The Lancet says – “MONTSERRAT”

From: The India Planters Gazette 3rd November 1885, with thanks to Joe Sturge
See the following extract: We counsel the public to drink their Lime Juice whenever and wherever they list. As a rule, Lime Juice is, particularly during the summer, a far more wholesome drink than any form of alcohol. We have subjected samples of the ‘Lime Fruit Juice’ of the Montserrat Company to full analysis, with a view to test its quality and purity. We have found it to be in sound condition and entirely free from adulteration.” The Lancet
Either alone or sweetened to taste and mixed with Water or Soda Water and a little Ice if obtainable, one of the most delicious drinks can be made, but care should be taken that “Montserrat” Lime Fruit Juice only is used, as it has the delicate aroma and flavour peculiar to the Lime Fruit and found in no other Lime Juice.
Cooling and delicious
[Cartoon – with little black boy holding tray with juice on, JB seated, and 3 medical etc-looking men standing to minister to him with various containers]
John Bull “What shall I drink?” (Vide Moonshine)
Dr Dean of Bangor “Not Tea” | Analyst “Not Water” | Dr Sir Wilfred Lawson “Not Beer”
Chorus Why The Montserrat Lime Fruit Juice & Cordials!
Many other refreshing Drinks can be produced with the Montserrat Lime Fruit Juice Cordials, a list of which follows:-
or Pure Lime Juice Cordial
Aromatic, Clove, Strawberry, Raspberry, Sarsaparilla, Pineapple, Jargonelle, Peppermint, Quinine
Sold by Druggists, Stores, and Wine Merchants throughout the World.
Caution:- The Greatest Care should be observed that “Montserrat” Lime Fruit Juice and Cordials only are supplied, as there are numerous concoctions sold under the name of Lime Juice Cordial that are entirely artificial, or so charged with deleterious acid as to be injurious to health.

10 July 1884 Patent Office Trade Marks Branch
Montserrat Lime Juice registered to Messrs Evans Sons & Co, also trading as Evans, Lescher & Webb.

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